Diamond Hoops and Hiking Boots…
Mother’s Day 2021. Facebook and Instagram shared the many stories and images of mothering, motherhood and loss. Equal measures of tribute and sadness. Today was my daughter’s first Mother’s Day. Pregnancy, delivery and a new baby girl pandemic style. A complaint never uttered. Stripes have been earned. Women have gone the parenting distance…
An abundance of wonderful stories swirls around the memory of my own mother. I tried to think of just one favorite memory early this morning. A memory that meant something extra special. The one that expressed who she was to me. With a flash it was at the forefront of my mind…
Somewhere in my early thirties I was running in a cross-country race. A five-miler that was primarily in the woods and on narrow trails. I was well into the race knowing I was toward the front but unsure of my exact position. As I navigated my way through the rooted and rocky trail, I heard a voice. The cheers of others fell silent as my mother’s voice rose from the earth and floated through the trees. Destined for my ears only. “Liz you are first” she screamed. Her vantage point unknown as I saw her not. The vibration of her voice was filled with excitement. I flew. Runners on my heels. I was on air. She gave me what I needed. I ran even harder. The win was mine. Perseverance and digging deep were second nature to my mother always. She gave me all I needed. Wings…
A long Mother’s Day hike along the Ottauquechee River this afternoon. New boots to be broken in. A birthday in the offing. Dandelions increasingly occupying the real estate in the pastures. The greening of Vermont enveloped me today. Emerald, a fitting color for May. Cumulous clouds overhead. Temps somewhere between cool and warm. The river running strong. Powerful currents tripping over the rocks. The light. The sparkle. A new season is underway.
I remembered the elegant blend of style and strength my mother exhibited daily as my feet once again travelled along a trail. Her voice will forever be with me. Diamond hoops and hiking boots…she gave me all that I needed.
“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” Unknown