Elizabeth Ricketson
2 min readMay 13, 2022

Ice Cream by the River…

Birthday cards decorated my kitchen table. Ten pale pink tulips delicately splayed while resting on the air. A life marked by a birthday each May 12 was well spent yesterday…

I chatted with friends and loved ones on the phone and virtually. A beautiful pop-up card from my son and daughter-in-law with a heartfelt sentiment displayed. An energetic facetime with my daughter and granddaughter always entertains. My 20-month-old granddaughter was delighted by my daughter’s singing Happy Birthday to me or was it to her? Didn’t matter. Laughter was in abundance. My son-in-law never forgets the important moments…

The perfect blend of the expected and the unexpected filled the day. My day started on London time with wishes from a dear friend from across the pond. Our daily afternoon conversations over tea once spanned the globe with laughter always in the mix. A sister in Atlanta. A brother in Maine. The distance geographical only as the familial love always binds and surrounds. A lovely note from a woman I once shared yoga classes with many years ago. A neighbor. A poet. Words perfectly written made my day more special. Birthday wishes from running club friends filled both my social media page and more importantly my heart. So many miles shared, bonds formed. A dear friend reminded me about our “future shenanigans.” I immediately recounted the past mischievous adventures more befitting of teenage girls than grown women and was thrilled with the promise of more to come. College roommates my adopted sisters never forget. The richness of the kindnesses travelled with me throughout the day…

The warmth of family and friends rivaled the soaring heat of the day. The temperature in Vermont rose well into the high 80’s. A small patch of snow struggled to exist on the local ski mountain as my husband, dog and I went to enjoy a birthday ice cream at a favorite local spot. We sat along the river and simply enjoyed the moment…

The day was complete with an evening drive to Kiss the Cow Farm in a neighboring town for milk and eggs. A CSA that nourishing both body and soul. The ride to the farm winds past expansive green pastures dotted with houses and farms. The remaining glow of the sun casted an amber filter over the Vermont landscape. The land is rich. The soil richer…

The simple pleasures of the day this day were nothing less than exquisite …

“That man is rich whose pleasures are the cheapest.” Henry David Thoreau

Elizabeth Ricketson
Elizabeth Ricketson

Written by Elizabeth Ricketson

A graduate of Providence College with a BA in English, Elizabeth Ricketson has always had a love of literature and the fine arts.

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