Peanut butter crackers on velvet….
An odd winter when spring arrives in February. Vermont unseasonably warm. The earth shows brown not white…
I cracked open my bedroom window just above my bed. Cool air streamed in tinged with smoke from a neighboring fireplace. I was warmed by the familiar scent. Home…
Fatigue weighed heavily late yesterday morning after seeing my daughter and granddaughter off. In my weary state I wanted to rest. I needed to be still. I pulled my blue velvet bed comforter up under my chin smiling as I remembered the Saturday bed picnic. Lulled to sleep by the many magical moments from the past number of days with 2 ½ year old granddaughter, Belle…
Peanut butter crackers and chocolate milk from a local dairy. Picnic style on velvet. Movies about dogs with our family canines sleeping nearby. Cuddled and huddled as the afternoon passed. Duplo’s and tea parties. Colorforms too. I steal joy from my childhood to share with Belle. “Miss Weather” is anew. Imaginary friends. Rescued ladybugs. Running in the house. Ready, set, go! Roaring tigers. Kitty cats. So goes the fabulous imagination of a toddler…
Brightly colored hair elastics sprinkled around my house. A collection on my bureau. The many books we read. Again, and again. Drawings and tracings of hands and feet. Small articles of clothing in my laundry. How can one be so small? The giggles and spontaneous hugs. I soak in her youth. Envy her innocence. Relish the joy…
“Children see magic because they look for it” –Christopher Moore