Member-only story
Saturday Mornings Are Meant For Running…Every Other Day Too!
An early Saturday morning run was planned. Overnight oats prepared. A waxing crescent Moon on display outside my kitchen window. I could hardly wait for morning to come and get out the door. Nearly first light and I was on my way.
Areas of my gravel drive smooth with an indiscernible coating of ice. Navigating the slope via the snow, a better option. Granted by the virtue of the hour I basked in the stillness and embraced the quiet.
I set my watch at the bottom of the drive. Quickly I placed my gloves on. The first few steps, choppy. Keeping my stride short and my feet relatively quick I relaxed into the effort. Choosing the bank of the road I crunched along. Looking up I noticed an icy mist hovering over a local barn soon to disappear with no other witnesses. The sun shone brightly against my face. I welcomed the warmth. Ice crystals danced across the pavement. I was privy to an exclusive performance by Mother Nature.
The river moved swiftly to my right. The only interruption to my thoughts as I put one foot in front of the other. Yesterday’s higher temps benefitted the brooks and streams but did little for the local ski mountain opening its 88th season today. I continued, comforted by being outdoors and the many memories of the people and the roads I have known…
“The right goal is more than an end product. It’s the first step toward improved running and better health.” — Owen Anderson, Ph. D