A creative life has brought me on incredible journeys. Explorations of subject matter that has truly captivated me. I will forever be a student of form and movement. The human body will always pose the most embraceable challenge.
So why art? Why painting? The how’s and why’s of a lifelong passion trace back to childhood but the inspirational influences have been overwhelmingly constant throughout my life.
As a young child I always wanted to be somewhere else. During my early grammar school days, I wanted to be home. I wanted to be with my mother. Homesick from the moment I stepped onto the school bus. Fearful of leaving her. Would my bedridden great grandmother that lived with us fall again? She bled easily and often it seemed. An ambulance arrived just as the school bus stopped at the end of our drive one morning. Maybe even more often than the one time I so clearly recall. I don’t know for certain as some things I have simply blocked from memory. However, the once was impactful enough at age 6. I wanted to stay home to help my mother.
The school day was about daydreaming. Being somewhere else and in a world that I could mentally create. Escaping from the mandatory environment that I was required to endure was paramount. Imagining a place that was all that I wanted it to be and then change it again if I so desired. A Tom and Jerry-esq cozy little mouse house. An…