Solitude in Motion
An early morning Vermont sky. New England was illuminated in a vibrant wash. Sunrise, spectacular. Clouds bursting in brilliant shades of raspberry. Rectangular sections uniformly stretched across the sky. One pink cloud after the other thinned by the new day dawning. Light kissed the mountain ridge. Impossible to ignore nature’s invitation to leave my warm cozy house on the hill to head out for a run…
I ran along the side of the road as the icy pavement glistened. My footfalls crunched through snow-covered grass and gravel. 23 degrees. The winter months have settled into a crisp cold quiet. Familiar is my world but a visitor I sometimes feel. I know the road with a certainty that only running affords. My pace was relaxed…
The landscape, stunning. Brooks run dark. Snow covered fields. Houses seasonally decorated. A lights glow warmly as the day officially begins. I trot along relishing the stillness. Alone with my thoughts. Enjoying the solitude…
“The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude.”
― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude