Vermont on just any near summer day…
White clouds laced with petal pink and butter yellow. Sunrise in Vermont. I am reassured by the promise of the day. I breathe in the green hills outside my bedroom window. Green in every imaginable shade. A painter’s paradise.
An early run for my husband and me. We head out the door like we do many mornings. Most as of late. Four days in a row as we try to recommit to the sport I at least love. Today. This morning I notice. Daisies. Purity rambling along our driveway. Wild daisies so exquisitely nestled near our cedar fence. Climbing and adorning the split rails. We could not have planted them more perfectly.
The delight of this discovery settled my worried thoughts as we made our way down our gravel drive. To the left we decide. To the right we have viewed a mama black bear and her two cubs at this hour. Habitual bears are and we have no desire to interrupt.
Ferns in prehistoric sizes. Delicate flowers intermixed in shades of lavender and orange as we travel down the road. Brooks running hard after days of rain. I have become spoiled by the landscape. We trot along while chatting with the subtle sent of lilac wafting in the air.
“Off to Vermont I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” — unknown.