We ate, we drank a glass, we reveled…
Surfing along couches with focus and determination. Practicing standing with elite athletic determination. Wobbling with pride while seeking reassurance with dancing brown eyes. Freedom as certain and as fragile as an arm’s reach. The day is busy for a one-year-old.
Exploring and adventure were on tap during a recent visit with my daughter and granddaughter just outside of Boston. The weather, splendid. New England in autumn. We toyed with the idea of going out to dinner during a morning walk through local neighborhoods. Pros and cons were weighed as we sipped on coffee and strolled.
“Girl’s Night” out giggled my daughter. The effort, not small nor without pause when venturing out for a meal currently. The “baby” checklist was long while the distance, short. Our smiles broad as we finally made our way out of the house and down the road. We three were up for a small adventure. My granddaughter, Belle held a brightly colored pink wooden block firmly in her small hand as we gripped onto our resolve. Excited chatter filled the cool late afternoon air. Happiness spilled onto the sidewalk with each advancing step.
Our pandemic strategic dinner battle plan was five-star general worthy. We were early birding the “early bird.” Turning right on Mass Ave we arrived at our restaurant of choice just a tick after 5 p.m. Massachusetts Avenue a major thoroughfare was once travelled in part by Paul Revere during his heralded “Midnight Ride” in 1775. Greeted by one of the waitstaff we were immediately asked if we had made a reservation. A critical detail that we had neglected to address. “No,” my daughter quietly admitted. Our smiles began to fade. “Let me check” he kindly responded. Quickly he returned, smiling under his mask, and offered us our choice of tables. An outdoor “corner table” on the avenue pavement was selected by my daughter. A large red traffic barrier was to shelter us from oncoming cars and buses. Protect us. Our physical safety hinged on hard plastic. A dining oasis that ultimately felt miles from harm. The traffic behind us seemed to have melted away as we settled in …
We ate, we drank a glass, we reveled in our beautiful newest family member as she enjoyed a sampling of homemade Italian food. The exquisite sunset of pinks and reds guided us home with a perfection befitting of the day. The spectacular colors in the sky overhead exemplified what we felt in our full hearts…
“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” Amelia Earhart